Expand description

Objects for Virtual Memory Management.


Kernel address space.

Generic memory flags.

A readable, writable, seekable interface to some underlying storage

Information of a Stream

Statistics about resources (e.g., memory) used by a task.

Virtual Memory Address Regions

Virtual Memory Mapping

Virtual memory containers

Creation flags for VmAddressRegion.

Information of a VmAddressRegion.

Describes a VMO.

Values used by ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS.


Generic cache policy.

Enumeration of possible methods to modify the seek within an Stream.


The base of kernel address space In x86 fuchsia this is 0xffff_ff80_0000_0000 instead

The size of kernel address space

Size of a page


The base of user address space

The size of user address space

The default number of user stack pages


Virtual Memory Object Trait


How many align the x needs.

Check whether x is a multiple of align.

Allocate memory in kernel address space at given physical address.

Check whether x is a multiple of PAGE_SIZE.

How many pages the size needs. To avoid overflow and pass more unit tests, use wrapping add

Round down size to a multiple of PAGE_SIZE.

Round up size to a multiple of PAGE_SIZE.

The amount of memory committed to VMOs.

Type Definitions

Device Address

Physical Address

Virtual Address